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Updated  16th September  2024

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NEW COURSES in the Autumn

Free Taster                   commences    Monday      28th August        2023  click here for details

Beginners' course         commences   Monday        4th September  2023  click here for details

Intermediates' course    commences   Tuesday       5th September  2023  click here for details

Advanced Course          commences    Wednesday 6th September  2023  click here for details



   Bridge Courses
         1.Beginners course
(10 weeks)

         2.Beginners course (7 weeks)

         3.Beginners course (9 weeks) 
4.Intermediate course
(10 weeks)       if you wish me to come and run any of these courses at your club or

         5.Intermediate course (9 weeks)        for a group of friends then email me Harold Schogger

         6.Intermediate course a (7 weeks)              schogger@haroldschogger.com

         7.Intermediate course b (7 weeks)          for details click on on                                                                                       

         8. Play of the  hand course             or see below
9. How to play duplicate course
10. How to Read the Opponents Cards 
(4 weeks)

         11.Consolidation Sessions

        12. Children's Beginners Course (over two weeks)

        13. Advanced Course     (10 weeks) 

        13. Advanced Course     (4 weeks) 


            Learning to Play bridge with Harold Schogger - some thoughts


 to enrol click here

10 week beginners course

This course is designed for absolute beginners who may have never played cards before, and for players whose knowledge may be a little precarious.
Each lesson is divided into two parts - a lecture of about 45 minutes followed by playing of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.    

The following is a resume of the subjects covered in this course:

Week   1: The Absolute Basics & Mechanics of the Game, Hand Assessment

Week   2: The Opening Bid of One of a Suit

Week   3: The Opening Bid of One and Two No Trumps, The Finesse, Scoring

Week   4: Responses in the same suit (Limit responses)

Week   5: Choice of opening bids, Scoring

Week   6: Responses in No- Trumps, Suit establishment, Entries, Ducking

Week   7: Unlimited responses, Unblocking play, Holding up

Week   8: Responses to the Weak No-Trump (The Weak take-out, the Strong Jump response) Blind leads,  

                 more on finesses

Week   9: Overcalls (Simple and jump overcalls), more Opening leads,

 Week 10: Revision, The Double, The Redouble, The Blackwood Convention 





9 week beginners course

This course is designed for absolute beginners who may have never played cards before, and for players whose knowledge may be a little precarious.
Each lesson is divided into two parts - a lecture of about 45 minutes followed by playing of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.    

The following is a resume of the subjects covered in this course:

Week   1: The Absolute Basics & Mechanics of the Game, Hand Assessment

Week   2: The Opening Bid of One of a Suit

Week   3: The Opening Bid of One and Two No Trumps, The Finesse, Scoring

Week   4: Responses in the same suit (Limit responses)

Week   5: Responses in No- Trumps, Suit establishment, Entries, Ducking

Week   6: Unlimited responses, Unblocking play, Holding up

Week   7: Responses to the Weak No-Trump (The Weak take-out, the Strong Jump response) Blind leads,  

                 more on finesses

Week   8: Overcalls (Simple and jump overcalls), more Opening leads,

 Week  9: Revision, The Double, The Redouble, The Blackwood Convention






This course is for people who have been playing about 18 months to 2 years and have got to grasps with the basics of the Beginners and Intermediates Course and wish to eventually progress to the world of Duplicate Bridge.

Each week there will be one aspect of bidding and one aspect of card Play covered.

Week   1.  Negative (Sputnik) Doubles & Keep Tenaces intact

Week   2.  Roman Key Card Blackwood & Unusual Opening Leads

Week   3.  Elimination Play & Cue Bidding

Week   4.  Unusual No Trump & Mckenney Discards

Week   5.   Puppet  Card Stayman over 2NT & Avoidance Plays

Week   6.  Transfers to Majors  &  Card Reading

Week   7   Unassuming Cue Bids & Dummy Reversal

Week   8.  Michaels Cue Bids

Week   9.  Splinters & Special Signalling Techniques

Week  10. Fourth Suit Forcing & Simple Squeeze



6 week ADVANCED COURSE part 1

This course is for people who have been playing about 18 months to 2 years and have got to grasps with the basics of the Beginners and Intermediates Course and wish to eventually progress to the world of Duplicate Bridge.

Each week there will be one aspect of bidding and one aspect of card Play covered.

Week   1.  Negative (Sputnik) Doubles & Keep Tenaces intact

Week   2.  Roman Key Card Blackwood & Unusual Opening Leads

Week   3.  Elimination Play & Cue Bidding

Week   4.  Unusual No Trump & Mckenney Discards

Week   5.   Puppet  Card Stayman over 2NT & Avoidance Plays

Week   6.  Transfers to Majors  &  Card Reading


6 week ADVANCED COURSE part 2

This course is for people who have been playing about 18 months to 2 years and have got to grasps with the basics of the Beginners and Intermediates Course and wish to eventually progress to the world of Duplicate Bridge.

Each week there will be one aspect of bidding and one aspect of card Play covered.

Week   1   Unassuming Cue Bids & Dummy Reversal

Week   2.  Michaels Cue Bids

Week   3.  Splinters & Special Signalling Techniques

Week  4. Fourth Suit Forcing & Simple Squeeze
Week  5. Weak Twos in Majors and Deceptive Plays

Week   6.  The Losing Trick Count & Double finesses



This course is for people who have been playing about 18 months to 2 years and have got to grasps with the basics of the Beginners and Intermediates Course and wish to eventually progress to the world of Duplicate Bridge.

Each week there will be one aspect of bidding and one aspect of card Play covered.

Week   1.  Negative (Sputnik) Doubles & Keep Tenaces intact

Week   2.  Roman Key Card Blackwood & Unusual Opening Leads

Week   3.  Elimination Play & Cue Bidding

Week   4.  Unusual No Trump & Mckenney Discards

Week   5.   Puppet  Card Stayman over 2NT & Avoidance Plays

Week   6.  Transfers to Majors  &  Card Reading

Week   7   Unassuming Cue Bids & Dummy Reversal

Week   8.  Michaels Cue Bids

10 week  Intermediates Course 

This course is for players who have successfully completed the beginners course or for players who wish to expand their knowledge in bidding and play. Each lesson is divided into two parts; a lecture of about 45 minutes followed by playing of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.

The following is a resume of the subjects covered each week of the course.

Week   1. One no-trump and responses (The Stayman convention)

Week   2. Overcalls (Revision, the one no-trump overcall, Rule of eleven)

Week   3. Opener’s rebids Covering an honour with an honour, defensive tricks and playing tricks)

Week   4. The Acol strong two (Simple signals, to draw trumps or not to draw trumps?)

Week   5. The take-out double and responses, petering

Week   6. The Acol 2Club opening bid (and responses)

Week   7. Pre-emptive opening bids of three of a suit

Week   8. Strong no-trumps and prepared bids in the minors,  avoidance plays

Week   9. Forcing to game response & Chicago/Duplicate Scoring

Week  10. Revision, Blackwood, Gerber



This course is for people who have been playing about 18 months to 2 years and have got to grasps with the basics of the Beginners and Intermediates Course and wish to eventually progress to the world of Duplicate Bridge.

Each week there will be one aspect of bidding and one aspect of card Play covered.

Week    1.  Negative (Sputnik) Doubles & Keep Tenaces intact

Week    2.  Roman Key Card Blackwood & Unusual Opening Leads

Week    3.  Elimination Play & Cue Bidding

Week    4.  Unusual No Trump & Mckenney Discards

Week    5.  Puppet  Card Stayman over 2NT & Avoidance Plays

Week    6.  Transfers to Majors  &  Card Reading

Week    7.  Unassuming Cue Bids & Dummy Reversal

Week    8.  Michaels Cue Bids

Week    9. Splinters & Special Signalling Techniques

Week  10. Fourth Suit Forcing & Simple Squeeze

Week 11. Weak Twos in Majors and Deceptive Plays


9 week  Intermediates Course 

This course is for players who have successfully completed the beginners course or for players who wish to expand their knowledge in bidding and play. Each lesson is divided into two parts; a lecture of about 45 minutes followed by playing of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.

The following is a resume of the subjects covered each week of the course.

Week   1. One no-trump and responses (The Stayman convention)

Week   2. Overcalls (Revision, the one no-trump overcall, Rule of eleven)

Week   3. Opener’s rebids Covering an honour with an honour, defensive tricks and playing tricks)

Week   4. The Acol strong two (Simple signals, to draw trumps or not to draw trumps?)

Week   5. The take-out double and responses, petering

Week   6. The Acol 2Club opening bid (and responses)

Week   7. Pre-emptive opening bids of three of a suit

Week   8. Forcing to game response & Chicago/Duplicate Scoring

Week  9. Revision, Blackwood, Gerber



7 week beginners course

This course is designed for absolute beginners who may have never played cards before, and for players whose knowledge may be a little precarious.
Each lesson is divided into two parts - a lecture of about 45 minutes followed by playing of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.    

The following is a resume of the subjects covered in this course:

Week   1: The Absolute Basics & Mechanics of the Game, Hand Assessment

Week   2: The Opening Bid of One of a Suit

Week   3: The Opening Bid of One and Two No Trumps, The Finesse, Scoring

Week   4: Limit Responses in the same suit, Limit Responses in No-Trump

Week   5:  Responses in a New Suit, Suit establishment, Entries, Rubber Scoring

Wee    Week   6: Overcalls (Simple and jump overcalls), Opening leads, 

Wee    Week   7: Double, The Redouble,  Blackwood Convention  


7 week Intermediates' Course Part a

This course is for players who have successfully completed the beginners course or for players who wish to expand their knowledge in bidding and play. Each lesson is divided into two parts; a lecture of about 45 minutes followed by playing of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.

The following is a resume of the subjects covered each week of the course.

Week 1  One no-trump and responses strong & weak
Week 2 Overcalling, the 1NT Overcall and Declarer's Card Play Guidance
Week 3 Opener’s rebids, Covering an honour with an honour,
Week 4 The Acol strong two (Simple signals, to draw trumps or not to draw trumps?)  Simple Signals
Week 5 The Informative Double  More finessing
Week 6 Unlimited responses &  Revise other replies, Unblocking Play Holding up  Chicago/Duplicate Scoring
Week 7 Double, The Redouble,  Blackwood Convention revised plus Gerber & No Trump Quantitive bidding


7 week Intermediates' Course Part b

This course is for players who have successfully completed the beginners course or for players who wish to expand their knowledge in bidding and play. Each lesson is divided into two parts; a lecture of about 45 minutes followed by playing of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.

The following is a resume of the subjects covered each week of the course.

Week 1  The Acol 2Club opening bid (and responses)
Week 2 Pre-emptive opening bids of three of a suit
Week 3 Strong no-trumps and prepared bids in the minors,  avoidance plays
Week 4 Forcing to game responses
Week 5 Cue Bidding
Week 6 Weak Twos
Week 7 Simple red suit transfers


How to Read The Opponents Cards Course

This course is based on one of the most   famous books ever written "How to Read Your Opponents' Cards by Mike Lawrence 
The following is a resume of the subjects covered during the course :-

Session   1: Finding the Witnesses

Session   2: Analyzing the clues

Session   3: Conducting the Investigation

Session   4: Checking the Evidence

The cost of this course is £52


Play Of The Hand Course

This course is the ultimate course on all aspects of play. The course is designed for players who have successfully completed both the beginners and the intermediate courses and wish to really come to terms with the most important issues of card play including declarer play and defence.
The following is a resume of the subjects covered during the course :-

Suit establishment; Entries; Finesse positions; Counting your losers; Ducking; Unblocking plays; Hold up plays; The cross ruff; Getting extra tricks by ruiffing in the short hand; Getting extra tricks from a dummy reversal; Loser on loser plays; Elimination plays; Simple squeezes; Safety plays, the safe hand and the danger hand; Percentage plays

Opening leads against suit and no-trump contracts; Leading through strength and up to weakness; The trump lead; Unusual leads and the lightner double; Third hand plays high? second hand plays low?; Rule of 11; When to duck; Simple signals; Simple discards; McKenny discards; Lavinthal suit preference signals




Many people who have taken one of Harold’s courses and are now playing regularly, perhaps coming to Supervised Play, have said how helpful it would be to have the occasional refresher covering particular points in the bidding or in the play. So what we have done is put together a programme of what we call ‘consolidation lessons’, the idea being that every 3rd week or so – that seems quite often enough for everyone’s taste – groups of like minded people, typically who have done a course together, meet for a refresher lesson on a particular topic of choice. At most we allow 8 people for each of these sessions so that everyone gets answers to their own particular questions.

Consolidation lessons are run primarily by our Associates, Alan Shackman and Ian Kay. To find out more, to join an existing group or perhaps to set up some consolidation sessions for your own group of players contact Alan on 020 8361 7639 or alanshackman@btinternet.com.

We emphasise that a programme of consolidation lessons can be tailored to your own particular requirements, but here are some typical topics aimed at those who have completed the beginners course:

§         opening bids with balanced and unbalanced hands

§         the bidding after an opening bid of 1NT

§         limit bids and other responses after an opening bid of 1 of a suit

§         opener’s rebid having opened 1 of a suit

§         overcalling

§         Blackwood and when to use it

§         ‘putting it all together’

and on the play

§         opening leads against suit and no trump contracts

§         suit establishment

§         the finesse

§         ruffing losers

§         hold-up play


Topics for those who have completed the intermediates course include

§         Stayman and overall revision of bidding after a 1NT opening

§         Acol strong twos and 2§

§         take out double

§         pre-empts

§         strong overcalls, 1NT overcalls

§         review of responding when holding a strong hand

§         encouraging/discouraging signals and petering

§         when not to draw trumps immediately

§         avoidance play

§         the rule of 11 and other points in no trump play


How To Play Duplicate Course
This 5 week course describes the similarities and differences between social/rubber bridge and competition duplicate bridge. Over the 5 weeks the following lectures will take place:-
Week 1 The mechanics of duplicate, boards, bidding boxes etc
Week 2 How to score / how to estimate your score
Week 3 The etiquette and some rules
Week 4 Tactics :- Part scores or - Games
Week 5 Tactics :- Slams - Doubling

10 session beginners course for Children

 spread over ten days  2 hours each afternoon for two weeks

This course is designed for absolute beginners who may have never played cards before.
Each lesson is divided into two parts - a lecture of about 45 minutes followed by playing of hands connected to the theory part of the lesson. A comprehensive set of notes is given out.    

The following is a resume of the subjects covered in this course:

session  1: The Absolute Basics & Mechanics of the Game, Hand Assessment

session   2: The Opening Bid of One of a Suit

session   3: The Opening Bid of One and Two No Trumps, The Finesse, Scoring

session   4: Responses in the same suit (Limit responses)

session   5: Choice of opening bids, Scoring

session  6: Responses in No- Trumps, Suit establishment, Entries, Ducking

session   7: Unlimited responses, Unblocking play, Holding up

session  8: Responses to the Weak No-Trump (The Weak take-out, the Strong Jump response) Blind leads,  

                 more on finesses

session   9: Overcalls (Simple and jump overcalls), more Opening leads,

 session 10: Revision, The Double, The Redouble, The Blackwood Convention



Enrolment Details

For Beginners, Intermediate & Play of Hand Courses :-


There is a morning and afternoon session for each course available, participants are welcome to change between the two at their convenience

The 10 week  course is £130 per person and the 7 week courses are £90 per person

For Duplicate Course :-

This 5 week course is £70 per person for the 5 weeks



Learning to play bridge with Harold Schogger

I asked my students what is the merit in learning to play bridge and here are some of their thoughts - I hope it inspires you to want to come and learn to play bridge with me.


Bored With Surfing on The Net Tired of being a blogger

Change your lie in just one week

Learn Bridge with Harold Schogger


Ever fancied Learning Bridge

No Better time than now

Enrol on my Beginners Course and I will show you how


Bridge is good to stimulate the mind and make one think in a logical way- it’s a very interesting and social game good for all ages


We have been to Harold for over 10 years - improving our bridge as a gamer one can never stop learning. Harold is an excellent teacher-always makes our supervised sessions bridge sessions of great interest.


Harold makes Bridge easier to absorb and expert advice


The social aspect of playing bridge was a draw


Harold Schogger has good reputation  as a good tutor


Enjoyable lessons given with patience in an orderly fashion- not bombarding us with information not relevant to specific lesson.


Bridge is a Lifeline for companionship if you are alone


Social activity, stimulates mind, helps prevent dementia, learn new skill, have fun- we want to play


I enjoy the supervised sessions - they are clear information and very helpful - I enjoy improving my game and the social aspect


I learn to play bridge because I felt it was good for the brain and was fortunate to be taught by one of the best teachers in the business.


Harold is an excellent teacher and playing birdge keeps my mind active and stimulated.


Harold makes bridge fun to learn and explains all the rules very clearly


I want to learn again after 30 years, so I can use my brain and have hopefully a better social life.


Hobby- Social- stimulating of the min- best tea make I know plus good biscuit selection- best teacher i know because uses good teaching techniques


Social Asset- Good form of entertainment- good teacher- makes your mind think- stimulating - good refreshments


Stimulating- Nice to use your brain- always good to learn something new- Great Teaching approach - explains concepts well- Good tea and biscuits- patient


I have found Harold most understanding and helpful in teaching me right from the start- I took up bridge as a way of meeting people.


Warm- friendly- improving skills


Bridge is an absorbing game keeping my brian cells alive


I came every week to improve my bridge in a friendly instructive atmosphere.


Came to improve my bidding and playing in a very friendly place with very good instruction


Welcoming atmosphere- keeps the Brian active


Why you should learn bridge? Because it is  sociable, stretches the mind, enjoyable sand can be played at any age

Why Harold? Because he is extremely knowledgeable at bridge, patient and an excellent teacher


I decided to learn bridge after my husband died and I found a highly recommended teacher lived nearby and I booked a course of lessons and I find it very enjoyable and stimulating and Harold is an excellent teacher


A sociable game for pairs and singles- broadens your social life


Recommended by so many people as a super teacher- I agree- social asset


Makes learning good fun


Keeps the mind active and a good way to meet people- Harold helped me to improve my game and feel more confident in my play.


Why Bridge? I find it a very stimulating game to maintain brain function

Why Harold? Harold is a very competent teacher enabling us to learn bridgeb in a friendly environment.


Strengthens the mind for memory, simple arithmetic- addictive game-you are always learning- the game never gets old


Exercises the mind- Sociable- Harold a great teacher


Good for socializing and keeps the brain active- good teacher


Keeps your mind active and a good activity - fun to learn with Harold


Keeps mind active- Helps memory- social- meet some nice people


Good skill to have- Social aspect- Harold is very patient and good teacher

Harold has good teaching skills- nice atmosphere- good tea and biscuits


To be able to play with my wife who has been playing for 7 years- Great social as one gets older- Keeps the brain active


Gives us things to do with others instead of going out to eat- Keeps my wife happy- mentally stimulating


I want to learn bridge to be able to play with friends who already play- I can also meet new friends I enjoy the stimulation of my brain








To find out about when the next course startsfill out the form below    to us stating the course you are interested in joining and we will email you back with full details. 



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     * Using only numbers, what is 10 plus 15?  

Copyright © 1996 Harold Schogger










